In 1223, St. Francis of Assisi found himself in the village of Greccio on Christmas Eve. He wanted to make the Nativity story come alive by using live people and animals to depict the scene. And so, the tradition of the creche, or manger, was born.
Curley has incorporated this Franciscan Tradition for many years, assigning it to the freshman class to carry out. 801 years later, on December 15th, under the watchful eyes of Mrs. Dalina and Mrs. Lindsay, the Class of 2028 kept up the tradition.
The Curley Schola and Luminare Choir led the singing. To conclude the service, Fr. Donald blessed straw from the manger and invited people to take some to place in their manger scene at home. Participants and guests enjoyed light refreshments, courtesy of the freshmen parents, before their journey home.